1. If you want to cancel the subscription of your order, just send an email to support@doyourdata.com, tell us your purchase email or order ID, we will help you cancel the subscription permanently.

2. Lifetime license is one-time payment (no subscription, no auto renew), free updates for all versions.

3. If you want to cancel the subscription of the 1month or 1year license order by yourself, follow the steps below:

Step 1. Visit DoYourData official sales platform: https://account.mycommerce.com/

Step 2. Select Sign in as: Customer.
Enter your User ID, the User ID is the email address you used to purchase the software product.
Then click Request Login/Password

Cancal the Subscription of my order

Step 3. Enter the right information and click Send data button.

Cancal the Subscription of my order

Step 4. Open your email and find the email “Important: Inquiry concerning your user account data” and open the link to reset your password.
Enter the new password and click Reset password button.

Cancal the Subscription of my order

Step 5. Then back to https://account.mycommerce.com/ and enter your User ID and password, click Log In button.

Cancal the Subscription of my order

Step 6. Find your order, and click the Order number ID.

Cancal the Subscription of my order

Step 7. Click Cancel subscription to permanently cancel the subscription. If you choose Stop automatic billing, you can renew the order by yourself in the future.

Cancal the Subscription of my order

Now, the subscription of the order has been canceled. The license code will be disabled automatically when it expires.

Cancal the Subscription of my order

To get more FAQs, please visit: https://account.mycommerce.com/Home/Faq

DoYourData Author

Written & Updated by Ricky Lin

Ricky Lin is an senior editor of DoYourData who lives in Adelaide, Australia. He is interested in writing technology articles related with data recovery, computer issue fixes, disk clone, iPhone data recovery, video edit, Mac optimization, etc. He Joined DoYourData in 2019 and have written 500+ articles to help both Windows users and Mac users to solve data or computer problems.

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